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【国际视野讲堂】第43期:宾夕法尼亚州立大学Ayusman Sen教授学术报告会



承办:Material Advantage WUT Chapter      
讲座主题:Fantastic Voyage: Designing Self-Powered Nanobots
Prof. Ayusman Sen





Self-powered nano and microscale moving systems are currently the subject of intense interest due in part to their potential applications in nanomachinery, nanoscale assembly, robotics, fluidics, and chemical/biochemical sensing. One of the more interesting recent discoveries has been the ability to design nano/microparticles, including molecules, which catalytically harness the chemical energy in their environment to move autonomously. These "bots" can be directed by chemical and light gradients. Further, our group has developed systems in which chemical secretions from the translating micro/nanomotors initiate long-range, collective interactions among the particles. This behavior is reminiscent of quorum sensing organisms that swarm in response to a minimum threshold concentration of a signaling chemical. In addition, an object that moves by generating a continuous surface force in a fluid can, in principle, be used to pump the fluid by the same catalytic mechanism. Thus, by immobilizing the nano/micromotors, we have developed nano/microfluidic pumps that transduce energy catalytically. These non-mechanical pumps provide precise control over flow rate without the aid of an external power source and are capable of turning on in response to specific analytes in solution.



  Ayusman Sen是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的化学系Verne M. Willaman教授和化学与化工特聘教授。他是美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science)和英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)的研究员,并获得了亚历山大·冯·洪堡奖(Alexander von Humboldt prize)和印度化学研究学会(Chemical Research Society of India)颁发的奖章。他的研究领域主要包括催化、聚合物科学和纳米技术。他发表了大约400篇科学论文,拥有25项专利,H指数为91。Sen的兴趣娱乐在于品尝葡萄酒和探索美食。